Our Progress


$685.00 / $10,000.00

Our Story

Community Events and Partnerships 2025

2025 Champion Child Jack

Jack is a bright and determined child who loves collecting flags, flying kites, and fishing.  Born at just 26 weeks alongside his twin brother, Jori, Jack faced heartbreaking challenges from the start. Tragically, Jori passed after six days, and Jack was diagnosed with hydrocephalus,  a dangerous build up of fluid in his brain. In his first year, Jack underwent seven lifesaving neurosurgeries at HSC Children's Hospital.

As a result of his condition, Jack now lives with cerebral palsy, requiring mobility aids like walkers and canes. Despite these challenges, Jack's resilience shines, and his favourite phrase is, "I can do it!"

Thanks to donor support, Jack had access to advanced surgical tools, groundbreaking research, and ongoing care at Manitoba's only children's hospital . His parents, Samantha and Jason, are deeply grateful for the support that saved Jack's life and helps him thrive today. 

Please make a donation by clicking the purple "Donate Now" button and help Jack reach his fundraising goal!  By making a donation, you're helping to make a difference in child health and child health research. 

Let's make anything possible.

You can help a sick or injured child with a gift to Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba.  Since 1971, with incredible donor support, Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba has raised more than $265 million to help children get the best care experience possible by funding leading edge equipment, improved health care spaces, and child and family-focused programs in hospital at HSC Children's Hospital - Manitoba's only Children's Hospital.  The Foundation also supports more than 300 world-class pediatric medical researchers, at our Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, involved in nearly $20 million of research and clinical trial activity each year with the goal of ground-breaking cures and clinically proven supports for pediatric care in Manitoba and around the world.
Learn about your impact at goodbear.ca.


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