I'm raising money in support of the Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba.
Please make a donation by clicking the purple "Donate Now" button and help me reach my fundraising goal! By making a donation, you're helping to make a difference in child health and child health research.
Let's make anything possible.
You can help a sick or injured child with a gift to Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. Since 1971, with incredible donor support, Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba has raised more than $265 million to help children get the best care experience possible by funding leading edge equipment, improved health care spaces, and child and family-focused programs in hospital at HSC Children's Hospital - Manitoba's only Children's Hospital. The Foundation also supports more than 300 world-class pediatric medical researchers, at our Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, involved in nearly $20 million of research and clinical trial activity each year with the goal of ground-breaking cures and clinically proven supports for pediatric care in Manitoba and around the world.
Learn about your impact at goodbear.ca.